Friday, May 13, 2011

Your thirst and hunger centers tell you that you are dehydrated and hungry. You decide cold water and chicken wings will satisfy such desires. Trace the path of “the wings” from the mouth to the anus, listing the path in as much detail as possible. Again, be very specific and very detailed including the absorption/elimination of nutrients/wastes.

Digestion starts with the cephalic phase, when the senses of smell, sight, sound, or the thought of food activates neural centers in the brain, which stimulate the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves that in turn stimulate the salivary glands to secret saliva. Also the vagus nerves are activated, which in turn stimulate the gastric glands to secrete gastric juice. This stage prepares the mouth and stomach for eating the food.

The gastric phase of digestion starts in the mouth with ingestion of the food. Here, food is being masticated first with the help of tongue, teeth, mandible, muscles of the mandible, and temporomandibular joints. To help mastication, the salivary glands secret saliva, which helps dissolve the food and start digestion. Saliva lubricates the food, preparing it for its journey down into the esophagus. It also produces an enzyme that digests starch. Mechanical digestion involves grinding of the food by the teeth, mixing the food with the saliva, and maneuvering it by the tongue to be swallowed. During this process, the food is transformed into a bolus which is being forced back of the mouth, by the tongue, into the oropharynx. The next step is the swallowing of the bolus/food, passing it from the mouth into the pharynx. This is a voluntary action, hence the voluntary stage. Immediately after the swallowing, digestion becomes an involuntary action: this is the pharyngeal stage of swallowing. The tongue rises against the palate, nasopharynx closes off by the upward movement of uvula and soft palate, and breathing is temporarily interrupted; larynx rises and epiglottis seals it off, vocal chords come together, and the bolus of food passes through the laryngopharynx into the esophagus when the upper esophageal sphincter relaxes to allow the bolus into the esophagus. The bolus has now reached the esophageal stage where peristalsis occurs and the bolus is moved downward the esophagus, toward the stomach. The esophagus has mucus glands in its wall which also help to further lubricate the food on its journey down to the stomach, and muscular waves which travels from the top to the bottom of the esophagus to get the food down to the stomach. At the end of the esophagus, the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes and allows the bolus to pass into the stomach.

The food lands into the stomach four-five seconds after it has been swallowed. Right next to where the esophagus comes into the stomach is the fundus, where the gas formed inside the stomach builds up and is eliminated through a burp. Now the stomach wall is stretched, no more rugae because this was a big meal. pH of the contents increases because some of the acid in the stomach got buffered by the proteins in the food, which triggers nerve impulses to stimulate the flow of gastric juices made of pepsinogen - pepsin and intrinsic factor, which initiates mixing waves, which macerate the food, mixing it with secretion of the gastric glands. Pepsine breaks up the protein into smaller units. This generates the production of the pasty chyme. The mixing waves generates gastric emptying – passing a little bit of the chyme through the pyloric sphincter, which is partially closed, into the duodenum. During the stomachal chemical digestion, pepsin breaks the peptide bonds between amino acids in proteins, which in turn are fragmented into peptides. When reaching the small intestine, the chyme contains partially digested carbohydrates and proteins. In two to four hours after eating, the stomach has finished emptying the chyme into the small intestine, and the intestinal phase of digestion begins.

The small intestine is the real engine-room of the bowel, as this is where the food is finally broken down into its elementary constituents, and absorbed into the bloodstream. Here the chyme will remain for three to five hours. The mechanical digestion in the small intestine includes segmentation and peristalsis. The chemical digestion is a joint effort of pancreatic juice, bile, and the intestinal juice. The pancreas secrets pancreatic juice to inactivated the pepsin from the stomach and generate an optimal environment for the enzymes in the small intestine, continuing the digestion of proteins begun in the stomach. The pancreatic juice includes pancreatic amylase for digesting starches; trypsin, chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidase to digest proteins; pancreatic lipase to digest triglycerides, and ribonuclease/deoxyribonuclease to digest nucleic acids. Enzymes of the small intestine break down disaccharides into monosaccharides: the sucrase enzyme breaks down sucrose, the maltase enzyme breaks down maltose, and the enzyme lactase digests lactose. The bile salts produced by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, are also secreted to emulsify triglycerides. At the end of this breaking down process, the molecules – the final products of digestion, are ready to be absorbed through the mucosa into the blood and lymphatic streams. Ninety percent of this absorption happens in the small intestine, through simple diffusion, osmosis and active transport. Nutrients broken down during digestion will travel through the bloodstream into the liver, the main metabolic factory of the body, where they will be processed according to the body’s needs. In the liver, glycogen is broken down to glucose, and some amino acids, lactic acids plus other sugars are also converted into glucose. The liver breaks down fatty acids to produce ATP, synthesizes lipoproteins to transport triglycerides and cholesterol, synthesizes cholesterol and uses it to produce bile salts. The liver stores glycogen, vitamins A, D, E and K, iron, copper, and participates in the synthesis of vitamin D.

The rest of ten percent of absorption occurs during the stomachal stage of digestion and in the large intestine. The material left over after absorption occurs in the small intestine, passes through the ileocecal sphincter into the large intestine. This is a slow passage, as the ileocecal sphincter is slightly contracted. Here the chyme will remain for three to ten hours. In the large intestine, completion of absorption occurs, some vitamins are synthesized, and feces are formed and eliminated. Peristalsis occurs slower. Bacteria ferment the remaining carbohydrates, releasing gases that contribute to the flatus. Other components that are broken down here by bacteria are the remaining proteins, and some vitamins. Bilirubin is being decomposed into pigments, one of them being stercobilin which gives the brown color to feces – the solidified chyme. This material is pushed into the rectum through mass peristaltic movements. Defecation reflex is initiated and the rectum is being emptied through the anus. This is the end of the journey of digestion, from the tongue to the anus.

Coleman, D. (Director). (2005). Anatomy for beginners: Lesson 3, Digestion. (Reality TV Show). United Kingdom.
Tortora, G.J., Derrickson B. (2010).  Introduction to the Human Body:  The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology (8th Ed.).  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

Fraternal twins ...

A. develop from a single fertilized ovum.
B. are the same age but genetically different.
C. are genetically identical.
D. are always the same sex.
E. are fertilized by one sperm cell.

The first line of defense against pathogens is ...

 A. phagocytosis.
 B. production of antibodies.
 C. inflammation.
 D. the intact skin.
 E. immunity.

Your thirst and hunger centers tell you that you are dehydrated and hungry. You decide cold water and chicken wings will satisfy such desires. Specify the movements, muscles, bones and joints involved in opening your mouth and chewing the wings. Explain any and all movements individually across each joint involved specifying the actions involved (i.e. flexion, extension, etc.), the muscles causing such actions, the bones being pulled on by said muscles, the types of joints involved.

Mechanical digestion in the mouth results from mastication. Food is manipulated by the tongue, ground by the teeth, and mixed with saliva. Mastication is accomplished by a coordinated activity of the tongue, mandible, muscles of the mandible, and temporomandibular joints. Innervated by the fifth cranial nerve, the trigeminal nerve, the muscles involved in mastication – masseter, temporalis and pterygoid open and close the mouth. The lateral pterygoid muscles depress the mandible, opening the mouth, while the medial pterygoid, temporalis, and masseter elevate the jaw, closing the mouth. The jawbone itself, controlled by the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) - one of the only synovial joints with an articular disc, makes a rotational movement of opening and closing of the mouth. During jaw movements, only the mandible moves in excursions. Other muscles helping in the process of mastication are the cheeks, lips and tongue. Both intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue participate in mastication. The tongue maneuvers and crushes some of the food by pressing it against the hard palate, and forming it into a bolus, forcing it back of the mouth for swallowing. The cheeks and lips keep the food between the upper and lower teeth. Teeth participate as follows: Incisors cut into food; cuspids tear and shred; premolars and molars crush and grind.

Coleman, D. (Director). (2005). Anatomy for beginners: Lesson 3, Digestion. (Reality TV Show). United Kingdom.
Tortora, G.J., Derrickson B. (2010).  Introduction to the Human Body:  The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology (8th Ed.).  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Each gram of a carbohydrate produces about ... kilocalories.

A. 2.0
B. 4.0
C. 6.0
D. 8.0
E. 10.0

All of the following are pregnancy induced changes EXCEPT:

A.increased cardiac output
B.decreased gastrointestinal tract motility
C.increased tidal volume
D.decrease in respiratory reserve volumes
E.All of the above are pregnancy induced changes. 

Your thirst and hunger centers tell you that you are dehydrated and hungry. You decide a cold water and chicken wings will satisfy such desires. You need to reach for your frosty beverage on the counter directly in front of you. Your starting point should be anatomical position. Specify the movements, muscles, bones, and joints involved in reaching for the glass and bringing it to your mouth.

The upper arm is moved by the muscles of the shoulder girdle; the lower arm is moved by muscles of the upper arm; and the fingers are moved by muscles of the lower arm. Raising the arm from the anatomic position to reach a glass on the table is a gliding movement at the synovial shoulder joint. This is extension and abduction. The bone of the upper arm – the humerus, articulates with the scapula at the shoulder joint. Muscles of the thorax and shoulder move the humerus: the deltoid contracts and pulls the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus, then the trapezius muscle further lifts the arm; teres major and latissimus dorsi contract pulling the intertubercular groove of the humerus. The shoulder ball-and-socket joint extends. Humerus articulates with radius and ulna at elbow joint. To extend the arm at the elbow joint, triceps brachii contracts, biceps brachii relaxes, to pull the tuberosity of the radius, and supinator muscle pulls the surface of the radius: This supinates the hinge synovial elbow joint. To reach the glass on the table in front, pronator teres and quadratus contract, and the hand executes a pronation movement: the palm moves from anterior to posterior facing position. Extensor digitorum contracts to extend the phalanges of the fingers. To grab the glass, thenar and hypothenar muscles contract to pull the metacarpals and phalanges that flex at the carpometacarpal ellipsoidal joints, which work quite similar to a ball-and-socket joint, allowing angular motion in two planes – along or across the length of an oval. The thumb moves in opposition to grasp the glass. To bring the glass to the mouth, while the metacarpals and phalanges remained flexed to hold the glass, to flex the arm at the elbow joint, biceps brachii contract and triceps brachii relax, while muscles of the thorax and shoulder move the humerus.


Coleman, D. (Director). (2005). Anatomy for beginners: Lesson 3, Digestion. (Reality TV Show). United Kingdom.

Tortora, G.J., Derrickson B. (2010).  Introduction to the Human Body:  The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology (8th Ed.).  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

The meninges layer which is closest to the bone is called the ...

A. dura mater 
B. subarachnoid space
C. pia mater
D. paranoid mater

Match the following body system with its function

integumentary system
A) supports and protects the body
urinary system
B) protects the body, detects sensations, and helps regulate body temperature
respiratory system
C) functions in body movement, posture, and heat production
reproductive system
D) produces gametes that unite to form a new organism, releases hormones that regulate associated body processes, and produces milk
digestive system
E) regulates body activities through hormones
muscular system
F) transports oxygen, nutrients, and carbon dioxide
nervous system
G) returns proteins and fluid to blood, carries lipids from the gastrointestinal tract to blood, and protects against disease-causing organisms
lymphatic and immune system
H) transfers oxygen from inhaled air to blood and carbon dioxide from blood to expired air
skeletal system
I) eliminates wastes and regulates the chemical composition and volume of blood
endocrine system
J) regulates body activities through nerve impulses
cardiovascular system
K) breaks down and absorbs food

Which of the following areas deals with emotions?

A. reticular activating system
B. thalamus
C. brain stem
D. limbic system 
E. cerebrum

All of the following are functions of the liver EXCEPT:

A. red blood cell production
B. storage of vitamins
C. synthesis of bile salts
D. excretion of bilirubin
E. activation of vitamin D 

You need to step up on a step to reach an object on a high shelf over your head. Your starting point should be anatomical position and your finishing point should be the position you are in once your hand has reached the object overhead. Specify the movements, muscles, bones, and joints involved in reaching up above your head to the object on the shelf. Explain any and all movements individually across each joint involved specifying the actions involved (i.e. flexion, extension, etc.), the muscles causing such actions, the bones being pulled on by said muscles, the types of joints involved, and how these movements collectively relate to the overall scenario/movements in this application.

The upper arm is moved by the muscles of the shoulder girdle; the lower arm is moved by muscles of the upper arm; the fingers are moved by muscles of the lower arm. Raising the arm above your head is gliding movement at the synovial shoulder joint. This is extension and abduction movement. The bone of the upper arm – the humerus, articulates with the scapula at the shoulder joint. Muscles of the thorax and shoulder move the humerus: the deltoid contracts and pulls the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus, then the trapezius muscle further lifts the arm; teres major and latissimus dorsi contract pulling the intertubercular groove of the humerus. The shoulder ball-and-socket joint extends. Humerus articulates with radius and ulna at elbow joint. To extend the arm at the elbow joint, triceps brachii contracts, biceps brachii relaxes, to pull the tuberosity of the radius, and supinator muscle pulls the surface of the radius: This supinates the hinge synovial elbow joint. Finally, to reach the object on the shelf, pronator teres and quadratus contract, and the hand executes a pronation movement: the palm moves from anterior to posterior facing position. Extensor digitorum contracts to extend the phalanges of the fingers.


Coleman, D. (Director). (2005). Anatomy for beginners: The anatomy of movement. (Reality TV Show). United Kingdom.

Tortora, G.J., Derrickson B. (2010).  Introduction to the Human Body:  The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology (8th Ed.).  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Match the following blood vessels with their function

inferior vena cava
A) carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs
pulmonary trunk
B) carries deoxygenated blood to the heart from the lower limbs
coronary circulation
C) carries oxygenated blood to all systemic arteries
D) carries oxygenated blood to the heart
pulmonary vein
E) supplies blood to the cardiac muscle
superior vena cava
F) carries deoxygenated blood to the heart from the head and upper body